Dr. Edith M. Szivas
Date / Time:
Tuesday 24th October 2017 (9.45 - 10.30)
Room Mount Kilimanjaro
Who is Dr. Edith M. Szivas?
Dr. Szivas is an expert in tourism strategic planning and tourism human capital development. Her expertise bridges industry and academia. She has been working on advisory projects for the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), EU, USAID and AFED (Arab Forum for Environment and Development) in the area of strategic tourism development, tourism policy and planning, national level tourism education and human resources development and luxury hotel management and branding in Africa, Asia, then Caribbean, Europe and the Middle East. She is a firm believer in the need to balance profitability with the interest of the environment, society and culture, development and environmental conservation through the development and use of appropriate tools and policies that are in line with the principles of ‘Green Tourism’.
Dr. Szivas holds a Bachelor Degree in International Trade – Import/Export, an MSc in Tourism Planning and Development and a PhD in Tourism from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom. She holds a Professorship from Modul University Dubai.